Sabtu, 5 Disember 2015

sunnah food of Rasulullah SAW

Zam-zam water indeed noted as water that most blessed and could cure variousdenga types of diseases permission Allah.In a shahih 
hadis, Nabi SAW remarks:"Indeed zam-zam water is water blessed, the water is food that is filling."Organised to every Muslim enjoy the water if certainly easy to obtain him. The wateralso can be used for berwudhu. The water can be used for beristinja' (cleaning dirtafter a call of nature).The water also can be used to swim junub if certainly is need to use it.

Date mentioned many in al-Quran, among them in Mukminah surah verse 19:

"Then we tumbuhkan because of it date orchard and grapes for you. Disana youachieve fruits that many and partly you eat"Date is "immediate energy" because have been absorbed easily and processed. It alsocontains high content of fiber (higher 3x from banana).Nabi s.a.w. have said before: "House that have no date is house that have no food" Other Prophet's Decree: "Anyone who eat 7 piece ‘Ajwah’ date, he will be under control from devil shock andmagic on that day" Nutritional value of dates is as memory amplifier, antidote and antidote of variousillnesses.

Allah say pomegranate (rumman) of 3 times in His sentence to show how greatcreation Allah and it also be mentioned as fruits from heaven. In ar-Rahman Surah, verse 68 Allah berfiman:
"In second two also found fruit fruits (heaven) and tree date and ruby" There is many does research which prove good ruby as antioxidant, avoid acute myocardial infarction and can stabilize blood pressure.

Nutritious barley as body refrigerant. Rasulullah 
s.a.w. has gave barley soup to people that catch fever. Other than that it can also reduce cholesterol, ease urinate, help constipated andreduce risk of diabetes (but do not mix wit sugar).


Has various goodness and considered mother of all foods. When mixed with hot water, could cure scouring disease. S.a.w.'s Prophet's Decree: " after Allah that I in the hand His, drink honey. Angel will apply blessing in homeresident that any honey in it. If one eat honey, one thousand remedies enter to thestomach and one million illnesses go out from him"Rasulullah himself practise honey drinks; mixed honey with a glass of water and drinkevery morning when the stomach is empty.Honey that highest quality is honey issued in spring and hot mucin, but less qualitywhen produced in winter.

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